University of Iowa Dance Marathon 2013

By Claire Watkins Current MHA students were among the many DM participants this year Dance Marathon is a non-profit organization that raises money for children’s hospitals all across the nation. Participants work year-round to fundraise and plan events to raise awareness about this remarkable cause for the kids. All of the hard work and dedication culminates in the marathon itself where participants stay awake for hours on end, dancing and standing for those who can’t. I was introduced to this organization my sophomore year of undergrad at Indiana University when I participated as a dancer for the first time. I immediately fell in love with the cause and was blown away by the miracles it can make in the lives of children. My junior year I became a member of the Morale committee, and my senior year I had the opportunity to lead all of the dancers in the teaching of our Morale line dance. After three years of participation in the org...