Summer Internship: University of Iowa Health Care
By: Bennett Luedtke (MHA ’20) Greetings from the best college town on Earth, Iowa City! This summer I had the great privilege of interning for ten weeks at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, working the Clinical Care Operations Administrative Internship with Dr. Theresa Brennan, Chief Medical Officer, as my preceptor. UIHC is Iowa’s only academic medical center and is ranked as Iowa’s #1 hospital according to U.S. News & World Report. With over 800 beds and nearly 37,000 annual admissions, UIHC is like a bustling citadel of healthcare committed to raising the bar in academic medicine and bettering the lives of thousands of Iowans. I had many fun projects this summer such as the annual Space Survey, creation of an interactive clinical documentation improvement dashboard, co-creation of a self-updating, interactive HCAHPS dashboard, and an HR project to establish a more equitable payment scheme for the many medical directors at UIHC. In addition to my proj