Summer Internship: Office of Statewide Clinical Education Programs

By: Alexa Saco (MHA '20)

This week marks my seventh week in my administrative internship at the Office of Statewide Clinical Education Programs (OSCEP).  OSCEP is part of the administrative offices of the Carver College of Medicine at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. We have a principal responsibility for developing and coordinating collegiate outreach programs for medical education and community service.

Working under the guidance of Lynette Lancial, an alumna of the Master of Health Administration Program at the University of Iowa, has been nothing but wonderful. As for my main summer project, it involves creating an opportunities directory for the physician work force needs throughout the state of Iowa.  My responsibilities have included but not limited to speaking with administrators and executives throughout the state to better understand their recruitment needs, understanding mergers and acquisitions of health care systems and how this directly effects recruitment, and finally, strategizing how to make rural health care in Iowa appealing to graduating residents as well as tenured physicians looking for a new experience.

What I love most about my experience at OSCEP so far is the diverse experiences I’ve been fortunate enough to have. Given that it is a heavily administrative position, I get to work alongside almost every employee at OSCEP, with each person contributing to the same goal. It is this type of collaboration and team work that excites me about the wide-range of job opportunities that will be available in the future for us soon to be health administrators.

Outside of the office, I’ve been spending most of my time enjoying a relaxed Iowa City summer. Whether it be hiking the trails, attending events such as, arts fest or jazz fest, and my favorite, the farmers market every Saturday.

The first half of the summer has flown by and I cannot wait to see what the second half has in store!


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