Michael Zolfaghari (MHA '24): University of Iowa Physicians - Community Clinics and Health Ventures
Greetings from Iowa City! This summer, I have been enjoying my time with the University of Iowa Physicians (UIP) under the direct mentorship of Rachel Kirchner and Auriel Luna . Rachel is the Director of UI Community Clinics (UICC) and Interim Director o f UI Health Ventures (UIHV), s he is responsible for leading UICC and Outreach strategies and initiatives. Auriel is the Administrative Fellow for UIP . Rachel is an alum of the MHA program and Auriel is an alum of the EMHA program at the University of Iowa. I joined UICC on June 5 th . Although I have only been part of the community for a brief period of time , I have been able to immerse myself in the UICC culture and jump in on several key projects. My main project has been creating a peer chart review system for the Department of Family Medicine. This involved meeting with several doctors from the Family Medicine department, creating a randomized review list and survey, completing epic training, and the use of several Excel