PDS Students Learn About Revenue Cycle Management
All MHA students participate in a Professional Development Seminar aimed at building essential leadership and development skills and exposing students to key aspects of health care management. MHA students participate in an in-class revenue cycle management exercise. By: Lauren Waggoner (MHA ’18) During our Professional Development Seminar last week, second-year MHA students had the opportunity to learn about revenue cycle management with Philip Roudabush, Director of Patient Financial Services at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics (UIHC) and Lauren Mason (MHA ’06), Revenue Cycle Associate Director at UIHC. During our time together, they outlined the importance of each step of the revenue cycle including scheduling, registration, documentation, claim submission, payment postings, and bad debt. Students participated in an in-class exercise that highlighted the interdependence of each step of the revenue cycle. Each student represented a unique step of the revenue cycle