Summer Internship: Alabama Medicaid Agency
By: Megan Mitchell Hello, everyone! This summer I came back to my southern roots to intern at the Alabama Medicaid Agency located in Montgomery, Alabama. I had the opportunity to intern at the Agency last summer when I attended Auburn University and loved it so much that I’m back again. Last summer, I assisted with the readiness assessment and implementation process of Alabama Coordinated Health Networks (ACHN). ACHN was designed to create a single care coordination delivery system that will be cost-efficient for the State and improve health outcomes for Alabamians. This summer, I am working on contract amendments for the ACHN program including telephonic care coordination. My unique experience has allowed me to see what it’s like to implement a new program and how to manage a program after implementation. My preceptor for both of my internships at the Agency has been Drew Nelson, MPH, Epidemiologist, and Director of Networks and Quality Assurance Division. I have also had the priv