Summer Internship: Medirevv

By: Nicole Graf

Hello from Iowa City, IA! This summer I have had the opportunity to intern at MediRevv under Founder and CEO, Chris Klitgaard. In addition to working directly with Chris, I have worked very closely with the amazing group that makes up the rest of the Senior Leadership Team at MediRevv.

MediRevv is a revenue cycle management company that specializes in maximizing revenue for various healthcare organizations through a wide array of service lines such as full end-to-end revenue cycle management, patient pay, A/R wind down, and coding. MediRevv serves over 30 clients across 27 states and is growing quickly as outsourcing of revenue cycle management continues to be an evident trend seen across the healthcare industry.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so far this summer I have been mostly working remotely, as MediRevv transitioned to work-from-home at the end of March and is continuing to do so with the prevalence and resurgence of COVID-19 across the country. Even though I have been working from home, exposure to all aspects of MediRevv has not been limited whatsoever. All the leaders here have been exceptional and have invited me to be a part of every meeting and project that I am interested in, which I am so grateful for!

I am currently working on several projects in various departments including Operations and Client Services, Sales and Marketing, and Human Resources. Exposure and involvement in each of these has helped me gain a truly comprehensive understanding of the services MediRevv provides and revenue cycle management in general. Outside of the remarkable leaders I get to work with and learn from and the exciting projects I have gotten to take the lead on, I believe one of my favorite parts of this internship is getting to learn about a side of healthcare I would not have exposure to without this opportunity. Thinking back to what I knew about revenue cycle during my first week and what I know is quite a transformation!

Outside of work, summer in IC has been fun, but definitely more chill with the limitations imposed by COVID-19. I’ve spent time at the pool at my apartment, hiked at Lake Macbride, visited a fellow classmate (shoutout Ashley Lawler) in Chicago, and have a trip planned with friends to visit my hometown, Louisville, KY. Overall, this summer has been amazing, and I cannot believe it is almost over! But, I am very excited for the start of our second year and look forward to hearing about each of my classmate’s experiences at their internships and finishing out our program together!


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