Presentation Skills Seminar
Cerone sharing presentation tips with the class By. Jeremy Murdock One of the best aspects of the Iowa MHA program is the tremendous Iowa alumni support. This support comes in many different ways and is very much appreciated and acknowledged by current students. The extent to which many alumni give of their time, talents, and resources is inspiring and I believe it instills the need for current students to “pay it forward” and find ways to stay connected and support the program beyond graduation day. On the first Friday in April, the 1 st year MHA students were enlisted in what you might call a one-day “Presentation Skills Bootcamp” organized and directed by two Iowa MHA alumni, Shane Cerone, '95, and Chris Klitgaard, '99. Mr. Cerone is President of Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak Michigan and Mr. Kiltgaard is the President of MediRevv, a revenue-cycle management company based in Coralville. Both healthcare professionals, by virtue of their years of exper