
Showing posts from April, 2018

HMP students compete in Global Rural Health Case Competition

Kylor Sorensen (MHA/MBA '18) and his team present during the Global Rural Health Case Competition. The University of Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy hosted a global rural health case competition on April 4, 2018. The case competition brought together graduate students from multiple disciplines to form recommendations for addressing critical global rural health challenges. The case concerned the ongoing power crisis in Puerto Rico since the island was devastated by Hurricane Maria in September 2017.  Reflections from two Health Management and Policy students who competed in the competition are included below: Kylor Sorensen (MHA/MBA ’18, member of 2nd place team): “My overall experience with the rural healthcare case competition was extremely positive. I particularly enjoyed working with a multidisciplinary team of students from a breadth of perspectives including health care, environmental health, behavioral health, medical, and engineering. This

Introducing the Keynote Speaker for The 39th Annual Samuel Levey Healthcare Leadership Symposium

By: Mackenzie Schutz (MHA ’19) The University of Iowa Department of Health Management and Policy is excited to host the 39 th Annual Samuel Levey Healthcare Leadership Symposium on Friday, April 20 th , 2018. This year’s theme, Vital Changes: Leading Healthcare Organizations to Peak Efficiency, includes an extraordinary group of speakers and panelists, including keynote speaker Dr. John Toussaint, CEO and Founder of Catalysis. Dr. Toussaint is one of the foremost figures in the field of applying lean principles to healthcare and is ready to share his knowledge with our students, faculty, and alumni.  Dr. John Toussaint (MD '82)  Founder and CEO, Catalysis Mackenzie Schutz: What sparked your interest in healthcare, and how did your background lead you to the work you do today?  Dr. John Toussaint considers his route to where he is today to be rather "circuitous". Having an early interest in science and processes, he pursued chemistry at Cornell Colleg

Iowa Teams Travel to The Ohio State University Case Competition

From Left (Back Row): Hannah Fink (Observer, MHA'19), Marisa Polonsky (Team 20, MHA '19), Nora Kopping (Team Coach, MHA '18), Mackenzie Schutz (Team 9, MHA '19), Kim Ogden (Team Coach, MHA '18) From Left (Front Row): Dan Carpintero (Team 20, MHA'19), Benjamin Mohr (Team 20, MHA '19), Jonathan Ortega (Team 9, MHA '19), Bobby Skogsbergh (Team 9, MHA '19)  Each year the University of Iowa MHA program sends a team to Ohio State University (OSU) to compete in a first-year case competition. This year the program had the pleasure of sending two Iowa teams, each equipped with a second-year coach, and a shared observer. The case involved the creation of     strategic goals centered around diabetes care that aligned well with the ambitions already in place at OSU Wexner Medical Center. Required deliverables of the case called for critical thinking skills from the students. Without hesitation, both teams dedicated four weeks of their time to develop exce