UI EMHA First Semester: A Physician, a Pharmacist, a Financial Analyst, and a Manager Walk Into a Bar...

By: Sean Boarini, EMHA Candidate 2018 Our adventure began with a half-day orientation in the height of the summer heat, when 11 of the 12 class members (Tatiana had just had a baby!) met for the first time. Like the entire program, the orientation was well organized with a focus on professionalism. We got an excellent idea of what would be expected of us, and what we could expect out of our time in the EMHA program. But most importantly, we introduced ourselves to each other and began a dialogue that will likely last throughout our careers. The first semester has been challenging. Getting back into studying, reading, writing (“write tight” as Ian says!), and academic work is new again to most of us who have not been in an academic setting for many years. Adding 4 hours of classroom time and 20 hours of schoolwork per week to schedules that already include hectic full-time jobs, family responsibilities, social obligations, and all the unplanned interruptions of daily life takes ca...