Summer Internship: University of Iowa Physicians Group (UIP)

By: Zoe Horak



This summer I am interning with the UI Physicians Group (UIP). UIP works with nearly every single aspect of the hospital in some way or another – the division that I am working with is the Patient Access Center (PAC). PAC includes the Integrate Call Center as well as the Admissions and Transfer Center. They are a non-revenue generating portion of UI Health Care/UIP, and their primary focus is patient throughput. My preceptor is Beth Jaggers and she is the Administrative Director for UIP, but I work most with Keri Semrau, the Director of PAC, ICC, and ATC. 


So far in my internship, I am working on roughly 3-4 various on-going projects. My main project is Template Optimization; Keri gave me the opportunity to become Project Lead, so I dove right in! We are looking at each department within UIHC and seeing how their provider templates can be improved and more standardized so that the clinic is functioning at the highest level of productivity. My other smaller projects include assisting with ILI (COVID-19) Event Response Line trainings and staffing, Advanced Practice Practitioner productivity (with Jean Prahm), and PAC financial analysis. Keri also gives me a lot of exposure to many smaller projects with quick turnaround time that are needed for high-ranking individuals, so I appreciate the exposure to have my work/data going to those individuals. 


Outside of my project work, UIHC/UIP interns attend Lunch and Learns with various hospital leadership as well as Rounding with different hospital departments. We also are brought in to conduct the annual Space Survey for Capital Management, and I have been able to go to some pretty cool places, especially during a pandemic (12th floor of Stead while it is completely closed to the public).


Life is very interesting this summer with the pandemic and I spend a lot of my time either working (more), seeing friends (socially distanced), or outside in the sun (on my balcony). I work Saturdays at an eye clinic and for the month of July I am working Sundays as a Radio Communicator for Pre-Procedure Asymptomatic COVID Testing (try saying that 5 times fast)! I am incredibly grateful for the plethora of opportunities I am having this summer, but miss the other half of the cohort who are not here in Iowa City! 


Stay safe, wear a mask, and go Hawks!


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