Summer Internship: Grinnell Regional Medical Center

By: Brooke Spencer Hello all! This summer, I completed my administrative internship at Grinnell Regional Medical Center (GRMC). GRMC is a private, not-for-profit, 49-bed, Mercy (MHN) affiliated medical center, which serves more than 47,000 residents in eastern central Iowa. GRMC is the largest hospital between Des Moines and Iowa City and has about 50 physicians, 400 employees, and 200 volunteers. GRMC is known, across the country, for its innovative approach to medicine, high value for employee and patient satisfaction, and philanthropic contributions from local businesses and respected members of the community. This summer I spent a majority of my time working in Grinnell, but was also exposed to some of the MHN leadership team in Des Moines through a MHN project and multiple network meetings. Throughout my administrative internship, my preceptor was Todd Linden, president and CEO of GRMC. I was able to meet with leadership at every level of the organization, was involved with ...