The HMP Fellowship Fair

By: David Nelson

As a part of the Professional Development Seminar, the first year MHA class had the privilege of welcoming back several alum's of the program to discuss their experiences in both internships and fellowships. This Fellowship Fair brought together alums from all across the country and gave the first year class the opportunity to hear more about what they could expect and what they could to do to best prepare for fellowships.
In kicking off the Fellowship Fair, a panel of alumni discussed their experiences in their summer internships and their subsequent fellowships. The panel touched on many important lessons and skill sets they felt the first year class should try to develop, which included, but was not limited to, time management, communication skills, networking, and work-life balance. 

Following the panel discussion, the class had the chance to interact in small groups with the alums and to talk more about what the class could to do make the most of their internships. Many of the alums stressed that we try to take advantage to the best of our abilities the opportunity to see and experience as much as we can in our summer internship. Given how diverse and expansive the healthcare industry is, the more that we could experience and learn about, the better prepared the first year class would be, especially as we transition into the second year and begin the fellowship application process.

As a final note, the Alums all stressed that, while the fellowship application process can be difficult and challenging, we should always remember that the Alumni of the program are there to help. As we’ve learned throughout the year, one of the greatest strengths of Iowa's program is the incredible willingness of its Alumni to give back and help its students. As a class, as we look ahead to the future, it is exciting to think about how one day we will get to be a part of this phenomenal community and how we will also have the opportunity to give back!


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