First Semester Review

By: Aaron Morse

As the second semester begins, it provides an excellent opportunity to look back upon the first 15 weeks and reflect. I think I speak for many first years when I say the Fall semester provided numerous highlights, both in the form of extra-curricular activities and classroom work. Symposium and the alumni golf outing were wonderful chances to get to know both current and former members of our program better, as well as take part in a fun tradition and enjoy a Friday of hitting the links.

Another highpoint was the class field trip to Des Moines, IA, for a visit to the Iowa Health Care Association and UnityPoint Health. The trip to UnityPoint Health provided an outstanding learning experience in the form of a case study on how to handle a drug diversion situation as administrators. The time was made even more valuable by the openness of the executive team to answer questions and inquiries. The ISAHL Holiday Hop and apple picking at a nearby orchard were occasions that provided us a chance not only to become closer as a cohort, but also get to know and become closer with the 2nd- and 3rd-year students.

In addition to these experiences, the classroom work of the Fall semester provided us with material and skills that will be exceptionally helpful as young healthcare administrators. Healthcare Management, Introduction to Health Care Organization and Policy (IHOP), and Managerial Finance were a few of the courses that were extremely valuable in terms of providing insights, knowledge, and skills. The first semester was everything we all hoped it would be coming into the program. We are all looking forward to fun times and excellent learning experiences in the three semesters to follow.


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