MHA First Year Fall Trip to Des Moines, IA

By: Mackenzie Schutz (MHA '19)

Near the end of October, the first-year MHA cohort traveled to Des Moines, Iowa to be introduced to Central Iowa health care organizations and executives, Iowa Hospital Association (IHA) and UnityPoint Health of Des Moines.

Bright and early on October 20th, student drivers Zach Ahrens, Marisa Polonsky, and Cameron Steeples safely navigated their passengers to the Iowa Hospital Association (IHA). We were welcomed by Executive Vice President, Perry Meyer, who provided students with an overview of the organization and member information. Additionally, we were able to hear from Senior Vice President Maureen Keeehnle, Senior Vice President Becky Anthony, and Vice President Scott McIntyre about IHA advocacy, education, and communications. Following their information rich presentations, we enjoyed lunch with them and well as other IHA executives.

After lunch, we traveled a short distance to UnityPoint Health, Des Moines. Students were very excited for the afternoon ahead as it involved an opportunity to discuss current challenges and opportunities in health care with UnityPoint Health -Des Moines President and CEO, Eric Crowell, as well as UnityPoint Health system CEO and President, Kevin Vermeer.

Brayden Longnecker seized this opportunity by asking the executive team an important question. He asked, “With all of the expansion that UnityPoint Health is doing, are these changes that you’re seeking out or opportunities that are presenting themselves to you?” Kevin Vermeer provided Brayden and the rest of us students with an insightful answer about how UnityPoint Health seeks and considers growth opportunities within their organization.

Following this Q&A, students were able ask questions of current UnityPoint Health executives and UI program alumni, Swati Panchal (MHA ’17) and Tom Mulrooney (MHA ’05). This Q & A provided a more informal opportunity for students to ask more about the organization and professional development opportunities, as well as seek general advice about our time as students and beyond. The cohort very specifically recalls meaningful advice from Swati encouraging us to say, “YES!” to every opportunity we are offered in the next two years to gain knowledge and experience about health care. 

We look forward to our next adventure as a class to travel and learn from health care leaders and organizations!

First-year MHA students in the board room at UnityPoint Health - Des Moines.


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