University of Kansas Hospital Case Competition

Top, L to R: Phil Wirtjes, Connie Lee, and AJ Nice
Back: Nick Howald, Scott Hutgen and Casi Roethler
In the first week of November the University of Kansas Hospital (KUMED) hosted their second annual case competition that included graduate students from the University of Missouri, University of Kansas and University of Iowa.  Dr. Robert Lee, MHSA Program Director at KU, asked teams to develop a scenario analysis looking at uncertainties that the hospital and clinics of University of Kansas would be facing in the coming years.  Dr. Lee stated that “these are very real issues that cause some sleepless nights for lots of folks here in Kansas City.”

To aid in this endeavor  8 teams were formed to compete in the case study.  The University of Iowa sent three teams: AJ Nice/Scott Hurtgen, Nick Howald/Phil Wirtjes, and Connie Lee/Casi Roethler.  During the weeks prior to the competition, teams prepared presentations to be judged by hospital executives and university professors.  Teams presented with varying focuses on KUMED uncertainties that offered a wide range of perspective for the administration.  Students commented that being part of the case competition was a great way to incorporate knowledge gained in the classroom and enhance analytical skills.
Case competition finalists and judges
 AJ Nice and Scott Hurtgen were chosen as one of the three team finalists, along with the teams from the University of Missouri and University of Kansas.   All in all, the competition was a success and the students found it to be useful practical experience.  As KUMED continues to develop the case competition, it will become more and more of an asset as a means of professional development for students and administrators.  


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