Summer Internships: Office of Statewide Clinical Education Programs

By Eddie Myers and Dominica Rehbein

Dominica and Ed examine returned survey responses
and enter them into the database
As interns in the Office of Statewide Clinical Education Programs (OSCEP) in the Carver College of Medicine, we have hit the ground running on our primary task for the summer: surveying every physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, hospital administrator and recruiter in Iowa who may be offering employment opportunities for primary care practitioners in their health organizations. In the last two weeks, we have sent out over 2,500 surveys to hundreds of communities, and will publish information about these opportunities to assist primary care providers who are looking to practice in the lovely state of Iowa. Some additional projects we have been involved with include physician contract reviews, practice liability insurance coordination and working with the Iowa family medicine residents.

These projects represent a few of the many responsibilities of OSCEP. Established in 1974, OSCEP coordinates medical education outreach throughout the state. Divided into three departments, Information Systems and Research Services, Community-Based Medical Education, and Community Services, OSCEP works to ensure Iowa trains and employs qualified and effective health care practitioners. Our internship falls within the Community Services division at OSCEP which is directed by our preceptor Lynette Lancial, a U of Iowa MHA alumna.

This will be the first summer both of us have spent in Iowa City, and we are taking advantage of the variety of activities offered. We plan to visit the Iowa City art festival along with other MHA students in town this summer. We are also planning a few trips out-of-state during our breaks.

We are grateful for the opportunity to learn about the plethora of opportunities in Iowa, and the particular challenges of rural access to health care. We are looking forward to publishing our final directories, and gaining first-hand experience working with administrators, recruiters and practitioners in Iowa. 

Examples of our physician opportunity surveys and the final product, the Practice Opportunities Directories


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