Presentation Skills Seminar 2014

Mr. Cerone presenting to the group
On March 7, the 1st year MHA students participated in a one-day Presentation Skills Seminar, organized and directed by two Iowa MHA alumni, Shane Cerone, '95, and Chris Klitgaard, '99. Mr. Cerone is President of Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak Michigan and Mr. Kiltgaard is the President of MediRevv, a revenue-cycle management company based in Coralville. Both healthcare professionals, by virtue of their years of experience in healthcare management roles, have had extensive presentation experience.

To begin the training session, Mr. Cerone and Mr. Klitgaard spoke to the class on several important topics involved in presenting: How to prepare and plan the presentation so you are an expert on the presentation topic and its delivery, how to make a strong first impression (visual cues/appearance and sound of voice are key here) in addition to the many “technical” details of presenting were also discussed and emphasized.
Chris Klitgaard giving feedback on student presentations
For the duration of the training, the class was split up into two groups. Mr. Cerone mentored one group and Mr. Klitgaard mentored another as students were asked to prepare and deliver several short presentations. The presentations were recorded to allow for the mentors and classmates to give constructive feedback and for the presenter to view him/herself afterwards and make adjustments or identify areas of improvement. Students reported leaving the day empowered to improve any weaknesses identified during the session.

Chris Klitgaard and Shane Cerone


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