Summer Internship: Skiff Medical Center

By: Evelyn Perry
Greetings everyone! I have been interning at Skiff Medical Center in Newton, Iowa this summer. Skiff is a 48 bed municipal hospital serving Jasper County. I have been living in the old hospice wing for the duration of my internship. My preceptor, Steve Long, is an alumnus of our program. 

Throughout my time here at Skiff, I have been able to attend board meetings, interact with patients directly, and shadow in nearly every department. These departments have included: health information management, radiology, plant operations, finance, and the emergency department. It has been very insightful to learn about these departments and how they interact to make the hospital function efficiently and effectively.

During my time here, Skiff announced to its employees and the community they will begin pursuing an affiliation. It has been a great opportunity to learn about communication to key stakeholders as well as observing the beginning of this process.  

Another unique experience this summer was witnessing the transition to a new CEO as my original preceptor took a position at another hospital. The administration changes also gave me an opportunity to meet another alumnus of our program, Jeanne Goche. She took on the role as Interim Chief Administrative Officer at Skiff, which incorporates the responsibilities of the CFO and COO. 

One of my main projects has been working on the patient portal piece for Stage 2 of Meaningful Use. I created a process and implemented a process to enroll patients while they are here as an inpatient. I also participated in a marketing photo shoot for the portal, which should be rolling out soon! I am assessing the possibility of a wound care and infusion center for the hospital. I have had the opportunity to learn about the credentialing process for physicians while helping to organize the current process for maintaining them. I analyzed turn-around time for key lab tests to assess the impact of the decision to move the laboratory facility off-campus.  In addition to these projects, I became a member of ToastMasters, an international program that helps to enhance leadership and communication skills.

Outside of my internship, I enjoyed visiting Maytag Park for dueling pianos, the drive-in theater, and the Maytag Dairy Farm in Newton. With the proximity to Des Moines, I finally tried out Zombie Burger and spent some time at the State Fair.


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