Reflections on Fall 2017 Speed Networking Event

By first-year MHA students ('19),

After spending a stressful week cramming for exams and polishing papers, the first-year MHAs walked into the alumni speed networking rather timidly. Throughout our recruitment and the first several months in Iowa City, we’d heard much about this event; a consensus favorite of the second-year’s and among the most formative in the transition from undergrads to polished young professionals. Despite being repeatedly ensured that there was no need to be nervous, the laughs filling the Prybil conference room seemed more forced and slightly higher-pitched than usual as we watched the alumni wander in. As we sat down and introduced ourselves to the alumni we were paired with for the first of ten four-minute speed networking “meetings,” the room hummed with slightly nervous small talk before the volume increased, laughs and smiles started extending to our eyes, and the four minute meetings started feeling like two minutes. Before long, the formal event had finished but several spirited conversations had sparked up as we filed out of the room considerably more relaxed and confident than the way we had arrived.


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