Speed Networking 2014

By: Kate Swanic

Networking. To some, such a term represents a mix of awkward conversations and long, almost agonizing, pauses. For myself and my fellow students, such were the experiences we expected as we made our way to Brown Deer Golf Course on the night of September 11. Although I have always considered myself strong in the art of conversation, I was nervous. We finally had the opportunity to meet face to face with individuals who once stood in our shoes and who we aspire to become someday. 

As alumni began filtering in, students moved in to greet them as they entered. From there the evening was a success. Student and alumni gathered together in one room to simply converse. One of the most important aspects of the night, for me, was that I could engage with these professionals in a no pressure environment. As students we could test our skills and build relationships with those who undoubtedly understand us best in our current position as students. I enjoyed each of the unique conversations I had, whether it was discussing hospital systems in my home state of Michigan, or the current healthcare crisis in the Ukraine. These were the types of conversations I can go home and reflect on, as they were both supplemental to my current education and to my own personal interests. Best of all I didnt even have to fall back on the variety of neutral topics I had prepared in case a conversation went blank! If you are curious, the topic of hors doeuvres did come up in conversation, I mean they were that good, and food of that standard must be discussed!



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