Program Updates: March 2017

By: Betsy Winter

Midterms have been taken, and Spring Break has passed. 2017 is flying by!

Last semester was jammed packed with events, most of which are chronicled in earlier posts. The first half of this semester had lots and lots of admissions activity! The MHA program held four Interview Days. The PhD program held numerous Skype interviews. The MS and MPH application deadline is April 15, but our policy programs are reviewing applications as they come in. It is all very exciting!

The semester is not anywhere near over, and as we head into the last half, many of our students are focused on one very important event – graduation! This year, we will celebrate graduates from all of our programs: MHA, Executive MHA track, PhD, MPH in Policy, and, for the first time, MS in Health Policy!

Lots to do before then, though! The 1st year MHA students will take another class trip up to Northeast Iowa. The Student Leadership Council is planning a Fellowship Fair for 1st-year MHA students. First-year master’s students are securing summer internships. PhD and MS students are preparing to defend their theses/dissertations. Between the various seminars, speakers, and classes, I think we all will keep busy enough. If you are reading this and want more information about applying to any of our programs, feel free to contact me at

There is never a dull moment around here.


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