Summer Internships: MediRevv

Hello all! My name is Liz Schnadt, and I am currently the intern at MediRevv in Coralville, IA. MediRevv is a revenue cycle management company that specializes in health care. It offers many different service lines, such as self pay extended business office, insurance extended business office, full business office outsourcing, A/R conversion assistance, and revenue integrity. MediRevv is a young business (it was started in 2007) and is continuing to grow each year.

My preceptor, Chris Klitgaard, is the president of MediRevv and a ’99 graduate from the University of Iowa MHA program. He has done a great job at giving me the opportunity to sit in on any meetings to gain exposure to upper management. Chris has also provided me with a number of projects that will be challenging and interesting to work on throughout the summer. As of now my project list includes the following, but I am sure it will grow, as it already has in the four weeks I have been here:

- Coordinating the logistical components of MediRevv’s move from the current location to the new site
- Development of a financial document to be used for budgeting
- Traveling to observe a consulting engagement and performing business analytics on that client’s data

My internship is a little different from the norm as I am not in a hospital; however, I am learning just as much as if I was. Being at MediRevv has allowed me to learn about the business aspect of health care and how it specifically works with the revenue cycle.  My favorite parts of being at MediRevv are the great culture, my ability to work with senior management every day, and being able to work on many different types of projects.

Outside of my internship, I am also keeping busy with fun activities. On Thursday evenings, I play on a co-ed softball league with people from the College of Public Health. I spend most of my weekends in Clear Lake, IA either boating or water skiing with my family and friends. When I am not in Clear Lake, I will most likely be attending a wedding somewhere. I have enjoyed my summer so far, and I am looking forward to the rest of it!


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