Summer Internships: Association of Washington Public Hospital Districts

By Jessica Larson

Hello from the west coast! This summer I am working for the Association of Washington Public Hospital Districts (AWPHD), part of the Washington State Hospital Association (WSHA), in Seattle, Washington. WSHA is a membership organization that represents hospitals and health-related organizations in Washington by providing issues management and analysis, information, advocacy, and other services. AWPHD is an arm of the association that represents Public Hospital Districts which are governmental entities that face specific policy and regulatory issues related to publicly elected (rather than appointed) board members and tax-collecting authority.

As a dual MHA and MPH in Policy student, working for a state hospital association has proven to be a great learning opportunity. I get exposure to policy-making at the ground level and have developed a better understanding of the important role of legislators in influencing the healthcare system as well as an appreciation for the deep complexity involved with healthcare reform. Working for a hospital association means that I am connected to administrators all over the state. In order to take advantage of this great network, I have spent a good deal of time traveling around the state, going on hospital tours, meeting and interviewing administrators, learning about care delivery innovations, and seeing how hospitals adapt to serve the unique populations in their communities in a healthcare environment that is rapidly changing.

My activities with AWPHD include:
  • Working on a grant to integrate behavioral health and primary care in a group of rural hospitals
  • Strategic planning to redefine the role of rural hospitals 
  • Helping prepare and run events at the Annual Rural Hospital Conference in Chelan, Washington
  • Meeting with Public Health, the state Medicaid office, hospital representatives, and other stakeholders to discuss development of a State Healthcare Innovation Plan to submit to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation in order to receive a State Innovation Model grant

Seattle is a vibrant city and, despite its rainy reputation, has phenomenal summer weather perfect for all of the outdoor activities made available by the surrounding mountains and water. This summer I have enjoyed visiting Seattle’s eclectic neighborhoods, each with its own quirks and distinct attitude. Besides being in the sun, I have loved cheering on the Mariners, eating delicious seafood, going to concerts, hiking at Mt. Rainier, and spending time out on Puget Sound taking in the breathtaking views.

This has been an excellent internship experience that has broadened my perspective and given me a great look at healthcare from a macro level. 


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