Summer Internships: Rush-Copley Medical Center

Dressed in scrubs to observe in Labor/Delivery.
By Claire Watkins

This summer I had the privilege of completing my administrative internship at Rush-Copley Medical Center in Aurora, IL.  Rush-Copley is a 210-bed acute care hospital located on an expansive medical campus in Illinois’ second largest city.  The hospital has a unique strategic affiliation with Rush University Medical Center, which allows the organization to collaborate in several clinical areas and brings the resources of academic medicine to the western suburbs of Chicago.  Rush-Copley is the leading provider of health services to the greater Fox Valley area offering distinct centers of excellence designed to meet the healthcare needs of the ever growing and diverse community that it serves.

As the Administrative Intern this summer, I was fortunate to work closely with Rush-Copley’s administrative team, who were committed to ensuring I got the most out of my internship experience.  Reporting to the Chief Operating Officer, I was formally assigned four projects that allowed me to gain insight into different aspects of the organization.

  • Completed a baseline assessment of a Women’s Heart program, including competitor analysis and assessment of existing hospital service in comparison to a comprehensive model.
  • Implemented the hospital’s updated English and Spanish Notification of Privacy Practices to comply with the new HIPAA regulations.
  • Created a comprehensive database through research and analysis of key medication assistance programs available in the community for the uninsured and underinsured.
  • Compiled directors’ FY2013 strategic achievements, based on the previous year’s goal setting, in order to assist in calculating director incentives through performance management.

Showing our Blackhawks spirit at work for Game 7 of the Stanley Cup! 
Outside of my project work, I tried to take advantage of any observational experiences I could have in the hospital setting.  Some of my favorites were observing three general surgeries in the operating room, watching four babies being born, and going on an ambulance run with the fire department.

When not at work, I have kept myself busy enjoying all the city of Chicago has to offer: attending the Taste of Chicago, going to several concerts, watching the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup, and going to a Chicago Fire game, just to name a few.  I have also spent some time traveling with family.

I am so thankful to have completed my internship at Rush-Copley this summer.  The organization and its leaders truly embody their mission, vision, and promise, and I was honored to be welcomed into their culture.


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