Fellow Update - Weston Reissleman (MHA '18)

Christiana Care Fellowship Experience
By: Weston Reissleman (MHA '18) 
    The Christiana Care Fellowship has been an all-access pass to whatever experience I can get my hands on. The fellowship began with meet and greets and several months of rotations through the essential services and service lines. During this time I was able to begin understanding service line workflows and the value proposition each service provides to our patients and caregivers. Additionally, I was able to pick up projects in several of the service lines which take up a majority of my time now the rotations have phased out.
     Many of the projects that I have been able to pick up relate to efforts to make care less expensive.  I have been part of a creating a new Teamlet model of primary care to expand access, developed a system wide partnership with a company to facilitate transportation for vulnerable neighbors, lead a Lean Six Sigma Greenbelt project for our imaging services, developed a Medicaid managed care risk-arrangement, and even worked with our government affairs arm to provide information to the state as they draft new legislation around primary care reimbursement.
Weston Reissleman (MHA '18)
Current Administrative Fellow -
Christiana Care 
     In the coming months as the fellowship wines down, I want to continue work on making care less expensive, creating the incentive structures for us to do that well, and prevent illness. The best venue I fit in and where I believe the largest impact can be made is in the medical group.  Christiana Care has prepared me well to move into this future confident I have the skills to actually lead people and build a business to do just that.
     While the projects and opportunities offered within the system have been great, it’s the people you work with every day that really make a difference.  My fellowship preceptor Mike Eppehimer, the COO of our medical group, communicates a curiosity about my professional and personal life make a real connection.  Lastly I have been gifted a tight fellowship network that brings a sense of home, mentorship, and friendship that anyone new to a community needs.


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