Kameron Adams (MHA '24/ JD '24): Foley and Lardner LLP

Hello from Milwaukee! This summer I have the privilege of being a summer associate at Foley and Lardner LLP. I am one of 94 summer associates worldwide and one of 17 here in the Milwaukee office. Foley and Lardner is a full-service law firm specializing in many different areas. Worldwide, Foley and Lardner LLP have almost 1,200 attorneys and has been providing legal services for over 180 years. The rich history of the firm is very interesting and an aspect that is appreciated by those who make up the firm. Foley and Lardner LLP is the 29th highest-grossing law firm in the world and serves many diverse sets of individual clients and corporations. Something that is special about Foley and Lardner is that the firm has a strong commitment to pro bono services. Every attorney is required to give back by providing pro bono services locally, and nationally. Whether it be through partnerships with the Boys & Girls Club, or pro bono services to smaller corporations, the firm’s commitment is an amazing and important aspect of the firm. 

My time this summer working at Foley and Lardner has been nothing short of amazing. I do not have a preceptor or formal main point of contact, but over the course of the summer, I have created close relationships with some amazing partners that really make an effort to take the time out of their busy schedules to teach you and answer any questions you may have. Aside from the partners just mentioned, everybody at the firm is extremely helpful and collegial. Whether it be the assistants, the paralegals, the associates, or the partners, everybody is supportive and tries to help you succeed. This summer, I have done work for the Environmental Practice Group and the Corporate M&A Group. It has been an amazing experience where I have learned an incredible amount, became a better writer and critical thinker, and have had the opportunity to provide real legal work to paying clients (which was scary at first). In the Environmental Group, I have had the opportunity to create animal rights charts, do legal research and write memos, create a summary of new vehicle emissions proposals, as well as help corporations obtain applicable permits for their operations. With the Corporate M&A Group, I have had the opportunity to draft commercial contracts, draft purchase agreements, draft bylaws, and conflict of interest policies, draft corporate resolutions, perform research into various investment banks and individuals, and write memos regarding certain M&A aspects. 

Summer activities and fun have been plentiful in Milwaukee. Foley and Lardner provide at least two social events and gatherings a week. We have had the opportunity to take boat rides in Chicago, play golf, go to Brewers games, and spend a large amount of time indulging in good food and great beer. Milwaukee is a diverse city with cultural festivals every week during the summer, always providing you with something fun to do. Aside from that, I have had the opportunity to spend a lot of time exploring Milwaukee with Grace, have been meeting many new people, have been able to take a few trips to Chicago, and get to spend a lot of time at Lake Michigan. Overall, the summer is everything I could have hoped for! 







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