Faculty Spotlight: Keith Mueller

Name: Keith Mueller 

Title(s) and Position(s): Gerhard Hartman Professor and Department Head 

How long you have been teaching at Iowa? 6 years

Graduate Training: PhD from U of Arizona in Political Science

Classes you teach: Seminar in Health Policy, Introduction to US Healthcare System, Introduction to Healthcare Management

Research Interests: Rural Health – access and health system development

Current Projects: Director, RUPRI (Rural Policy Research Institute) Center for Rural Health Policy Analysis – projects include Accountable Care Organizations in rural places, future of rural pharmacies, Medicare Advantage, Health Insurance Market

Recent Awards: University of Iowa Regents Faculty Award

Why Iowa? One of the nations’ premier research universities, highly regarded College of Public Health, strong history of this department, including its nationally ranked programs in Health Administration (MHA and PhD)

If you could tell your younger self something, what would it be? Always follow through on promising direction.

What is public health, and how does it relate to what you do now? Assuring the prospects that every citizen enjoys optimum health, not merely absence of disease - makes research about transforming the medical care system relevant.


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