Briani Baboolal (MHA ’23): Stead Family Children’s Hospital – Pediatric Operations

Hello from a stone’s throw! This summer, I have had the opportunity to intern at the University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital, with my preceptor being Pam Johnson-Carlson, Chief Administrative Officer. Pam oversees all initiatives and implementations regarding the Children’s Hospital, Women’s Services and the Center for Disabilities and Development. Pam gave me the ability to explore my interests by connecting me with leaders around the organization such as Tami Pollari, Director of Patient and Family Centered Services. They allowed me to assist on multiple projects during the 10-week span which included a facility dog program, sibling visitation guidelines, a workplace violence playbook, and auditing and updating family spaces.

Of the many meetings I was fortunate enough to attend this summer, I found three to be of exceptional value to my learning experience. The Stead Family Children’s Daily Safety Brief occurs each morning reporting incidents that occurred in the 24 hours prior that may be of concern and should be shared with others in different departments. These meetings helped me gain a perspective of what leaders are looking for to improve upon regarding patient and staff safety. One of my goals this summer was to see first-hand how adult and pediatric care operationally differ. Although they will have similar goals, strategically they will need to be executed differently. For example, their efforts to improve length of stay and expected date of discharge. During a LOS/EDOD Review Meeting, I was exposed to the tableau data and conversations, leading me to understand the different medical and surgical teams needed to be present, and to focus on what we think we could do now to make an impact. Lastly, I recommend attending an R & R Jam Session when they take place. The session revolved around working through strategies regarding nurse staffing. I was able to hear the perspectives of leaders, nurse managers, and the nurses on the floor and they were open to listening to my ideas and answering my questions. A bonus to this meeting was it took place in the Press Box on the 12th floor of Stead, which gives the perfect view of Kinnick. 

Other than my personal project work in Stead, UIHC assigns all interns to be a part of seminars, roundings, and space surveys. Due to my personal interest and background of disabilities services, I enjoyed the seminar of when the CDD Administrator, Michael Baca came in to discuss his role and his responsibilities. Whereas, the Emergency Department rounding was my favorite, because when we walked through, patients were being assisted in real time. The atmosphere of the ED was nonetheless quite different from the rest of the hospital. The space surveys allowed us to physically get familiarized with the hospital while supporting Capital Management. A bonus of being a UIHC employee this summer, was having the option to get trained in Lean healthcare initiatives put on by the Quality Improvement Team.

Outside of my internship, I have had so much fun around Iowa with everyone from my cohort that stayed! My favorites so far have been going to a hot air balloon festival, playing sand volleyball, and trying new restaurants. UIHC’s start and end date allowed me to travel to new and familiar places too. I was able to visit Michigan and Colorado with my partner and North Carolina to see my family. Until the start of next semester, I will be enjoying my days but will eagerly be waiting for my final year to begin!

*A Note From The Editor*

If you would like to keep up with Bri, you can find her here on LinkedIn!


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