Trey McCoy (MHA '23): Deloitte

Hello from Chicago! This summer, I completed a 10-week internship with Deloitte Consulting as a Summer Associate. I was aligned to the Chicago office and moved to the city for the summer. Fortunately, I was able to find an apartment less than 20 minutes from the office which was amazing. I also was able to bring my dog (Cam) with me this summer, so he was able to experience big city living too! Not only was I able to grow in my professional growth this summer by networking and through client work but I was also able to make new friends and explore a new city. 

The project I was staffed on this summer was a Medicare Advantage Assessment for a large health plan organization. For the past 3 to 5 years, the health plan has stagnated in their member acquisition and retention, ultimately slowing their overall growth and profit. The client came to Deloitte to do a deep dive into their processes, data and overall organization to help them understand where their offerings are coming up short and what can be improved to expand growth. The overall project had three separate deliverables; a current state assessment, benchmarking analysis, and an opportunity identification/recommendation output. All of these deliverables were developed within large decks (PowerPoint presentations) that were reviewed, revised, and then presented to the client. 

There were six different workstreams (internal teams) on the project and I was part of the Diversified Portfolio of Products team. This workstream focused on the client’s overall products and benefits. competitive positioning, and dual eligible capabilities (Medicare and Medicaid). There were weekly meetings with the client to update the clients on a workstreams’ progress, which meant we produced and updated multiple deliverables quickly. I worked closely with my team to prepare client presentations, conduct research on various components related to our workstream and also took ownership of many PMO responsibilities. My role in the project was to assist the team is documenting the clients' current state, identifying what benchmarks are relevant to them and where they are compared to industry standard, and developing initial recommendations that would be actionable for the team. In addition to client work, I also took on an internal initiative this summer. I joined a team of Life Sciences Health Care (LSHC) practitioners with the goal of creating an internal teams site for LSHC individuals to join to learn more about the industry, collaborate with one another, and learn about project opportunities. The site launched towards the end of my summer and the site had about 500 active users when I ended my final week. It was great to get involved within the firm aside from my client work. 
This summer allowed me to experience a powerhouse in the consulting space and gain exposure to a large-scale client within the health plan industry. I’ve gained a better understanding of how organizations can take a step back and look at areas they are lacking and what can be done to maximize efforts. One of my favorite parts of my summer was getting to travel to 3 different cities, including Nashville which I love visiting. Overall, my summer has been an awesome experience and I look forward to getting back to Iowa to reconnect with everyone! 


*A Note From The Editor*

If you would like to keep up with Trey, you can find him here on LinkedIn!


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