Shianne Goering (MHA '23): OSCEP

Hello from Iowa City! I’ve been spending my summer interning with the Office of Statewide Clinical Education Programs (OSCEP). OSCEP is within the Carver College of Medicine and serves to develop and coordinate collegiate outreach programs for medical education and community service. My internship takes place in the Community Service Division of OSCEP.

I have really enjoyed working with my preceptor Lynette Lancial and my co-intern, Jenah McCarty. Lynette is an alum of the Iowa MHA program and Jenah is an incoming first year MHA student and second year MPH. We have been hard at work on the Iowa Directory of Practice Opportunities, which will be made available for physicians and advanced practice providers looking to practice in Iowa. Currently, we have been communicating with CEOs, administrators, and recruiters across the state to determine current physician workforce needs.

Apart from the opportunities directories project, I have been able to sit in on physician contract reviews. In this process, I learned about what a physician contract entails and heard suggestions on negotiation points that the physician could leverage in negotiating their contract. Jenah and I had the opportunity to participate in a 2-day Lean training through UIHC. It was a very fun and interactive training and I highly recommend that anyone interested in quality improvement attend it! Lastly, we have attended a wide range of different seminars at UIHC with their interns as well.

Outside of work, I have kept myself super busy. Every Thursday, UIHC interns and I go to food trucks for lunch. Other MHAs and I can be found bowling, playing tennis, playing darts, going for a coffee run to Java, or doing other fun activities downtown Iowa City, like the Block Party. Lastly, I have been fortunate enough to travel to Colorado twice this summer and visit friends, hike, and backpack! Although I will be sad that summer is over, I am excited to see everyone again in the fall!

 *A Note From The Editor*

If you would like to keep up with Shianne, you can find her here on LinkedIn


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