Faculty Spotlight: Maia Hightower
Name: Maia Hightower, MD, MPH, MBA
Title(s) and Position(s):
Chief Medical Information Officer, University of Iowa Health Care
Clinical Assistant Professor, Internal Medicine, University of Iowa Health Care
How long have you been teaching at Iowa? One year
Graduate training:
MD, University of Rochester School of Medicine
MPH, University of Rochester School of Medicine
MBA, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Classes you teach: Health Information Systems
Why Iowa? I believed that in Iowa I could be part of an effort to transform medicine not only for the people living in Iowa City, but for the population of the entire state of Iowa. UIHC is the only academic medical center in the state. Our patients come from across Iowa and beyond. Unlike many other healthcare markets where the financial model is to grow through acquisition, the Iowa way is to build collaborations and partnerships. We want to support local healthcare organization to do what they do best: provide great local care. We can partner and do what we do best: provide world class medicine for Iowa and the world. For my family, I chose Iowa because of the wonderful schools. We had the tough choice between really good public schools and a wonderful private school. We were happy to find Willowwind, a progressive independent school that was very similar to the urban independent school my children attended before our move. We were also fortunate to find the Preucil School of Music, one of the nation’s oldest and most established Suzuki schools of music. The caliber of activities available to children continues to impress us. The kids from Iowa go on to do great things in the arts, sports, and academics. Iowa City truly exceeded our expectations.
What one piece of advice would you give to today's students? Do not be afraid to forge your own path, even if your mentors have not travelled that path before.
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