Ashton Harris (JD/MHA ’22): Husch Blackwell LLP

Hello, this summer, I have had the opportunity to work as a healthcare Summer Associate at the law firm Husch Blackwell. I was positioned in the firm's Denver Office located in downtown Denver near Coors Field. This has been the first time I have had experience working in a law firm, and I am grateful that it has been one with extensive healthcare practice. 

While at the firm, I have been able to form connections and friendships with my fellow summer associates who themselves are pursuing different areas of law, from real estate to corporate cannabis work. 

Arriving at the office, I was able to get right to work on several different and challenging projects. These projects impacted a range of healthcare clients, from physician practices to telehealth companies.  For instance, I had opportunities to perform regulatory research on issues such as the corporate practice of medicine and HIPAA compliance under the supervision of an attorney. Additionally, I have been able to learn new transactional skills, such as how to perform contract reviews and due diligence checks. Throughout my work, I found that my MHA classes provided useful context for understanding the problem at hand and its importance to the client. This meant I was able to delve into healthcare work much faster without being held up by not unfamiliar acronyms or legal concepts like Stark Law or HIPAA. 

I also have had the opportunity to network with attorneys working in healthcare both in Denver and in other cities. I have had a formal mentor, Healthcare associate Ragani Acharya, as well as informal mentors such as Scott Loftin, who is a healthcare partner. These opportunities granted me insight into how to work as an attorney, create business, and understand what it is like being a health law attorney. In addition, the firm has put on numerous social events to get to known other attorneys, form connections, and demonstrate my own abilities to do legal work. 

At this point, I have a few weeks left in the program and am looking forward to returning to finish my studies. However, I will miss working in the office as well as the friends I have made throughout the summer. 

*A Note From The Editor*

If you would like to keep up with Ashton, you can find him here on LinkedIn!


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